Sergio Rodrigues Brésil, 1927-2014
Solid wood, metal and glass
28 7/20 x 48 3/100 x 48 3/100 in
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Ces éléments sont l'utilisation du bois exotique typiquement brésilien, le style épuré mais néanmoins robuste, fortement ancré au sol, d'une grande stabilité aussi bien réelle que visuelle. Un aspect enraciné compensé par le plateau en verre qui ajoute une touche de légèreté et permet aussi la mise en valeur de la structure de cette table qui reste ainsi visible.
Sérgio Rodrigues joue à nouveau avec brio de l'équilibre entre modernité des formes, tradition du choix des matériaux, fonctionnalité parfaite et esthétisme prononcé.
Designed in 1960 by Sergio Rodrigues, this "Alex" model table is a reference in the designer's style. With its solid wood structure composed of a large central pillar with a square section, its four arms and four legs giving perfect symmetry, and whose rounded finishes bring softness to this room, this table has all the characteristics of the style of its creator, nicknamed "the most Brazilian of designers".
These elements are the use of typically Brazilian exotic wood, the sleek but nevertheless robust style, strongly anchored to the ground, of great stability both real and visual. A rooted appearance compensated by the glass top that adds a touch of lightness and also allows the highlighting of the structure of this table, which thus remains visible.
Sérgio Rodrigues once again brilliantly plays the balance between modernity of forms, tradition of choice of materials, perfect functionality and pronounced aesthetics.